
Monday, July 5, 2010


Thankfully reporting to you today that all the team has safely arrived back home - AT LAST! The final four travelers arrived last night at 11:42 pm...a mere 35.5 hours later than planned! =)

We are so very thankful to the Lord for His kindness and provision. Would you continue to pray for this work? Here are some items you can lift up, if you are so inclined:

  • Thank Him for His protection!

  • Pray for our hosts in Nicaragua, the Benitez Family, that the Lord would continue to supply for them all that they need. They are such an amazing example to us, living their lives like we wish to: giving their lives away everyday for Him.

  • Pray for rest for all.

  • Pray that the work done in Nicaragua and in the hearts of the team would be sealed and continued to be blessed.

  • Ask for healing for a few on the team who are experiencing post-trip tummy upheaval. =\

  • Ask for protection from the enemy for the Benitez and for our team.

  • Pray for clarity and vision as the team processes all of their experiences.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for 'accompanying the team' on this journey that is actually still continuing, even though everyone is back home!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

We're Home....Mostly

Hello, all! This is Bree writing.
The majority of us are back home, and the remaining four are on a plane in first class seats heading to Omaha as I write. They are expected to land around 11:45 tonight, so if you would like to join us welcoming them back home, you would be most welcome!

I need to amend an earlier mistake in the chronicle. I forgot to tell you what the painting team was up to. We were rained out a lot, unfortunately. But Tuesday and Wednesday were very productive. We painted 9 houses, gave out toys and around 20 Step Up to Life tracts! We also went to a rural area where we painted a pastor's house as well as 4 others. As soon as one house was finished another person would ask for their own home to be painted.

I think it is difficult for people to understand how vital painting can be, not just for the longevity of the building, but for the sake of the family that lives within. A building is painted and suddenly it is not just the structure that a family lives in but a home. It is their own.

It's a beautiful thing. I apologize for forgetting that important report about our trip.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and for continuing to keep us in your hearts and minds as the last plane is even now in the air, and our team re-enters "normal" life. I know a lot of us wished we could have stayed longer.

The Trickle Continues

Hooray! Sarah Van is home!!! Linda Meneely Rice, John Rice, Helen Pleuler Van Moorleghem and Paul Van Moorleghem are coming home tonight @ 11:30 pm. Who's going to the airport???

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Coming Back!!!

Well....almost! Little by little, the team is arriving home....
Rachel and Nate Brown came on stand by with the group that arrived at 11:42 pm...hooray!
So the two Rice's and the three Van Moorleghems are staying overnight in Houston. They have tickets for a flight tomorrow evening....but they are going to go to the airport earlier, hoping to come home on standby flight earlier in the day.
Looking forward to the stories coming out little by little...can't wait to see the pictures of all their exploits and view the videos of the Bug Chronicles!!!
Welcome back, Senoras, Senoritas & HOMBRES!!!!!!

No Place Like Home...

Whew! No one's home yet...but here’s the update:
· Already winging their way to Omaha on a flight arriving in Omaha around 5:45: Joe Slabaugh, Austin & Bailey Wells.
· Leaving Houston @ 6 pm: Emily Van Ornam, Jon & Rachel Harvie, Lauren, Emma & Mitchell May
· Leaving Houston @ 9:30 pm, arriving in Omaha @ 11:37 pm: Bree & Dan Reno, Sami Akeson, Abbey Moeller, Callie & Josee Bents, Sandy, Deborah & Bethany Hawes and also Alyssa Gregerson.
· There are 7 team members left and they are, as of now, scheduled to come home tomorrow night: Helen, Sarah, & Paul VanMoorleghem, Rachel & Nate Brown, & John & Linda Rice.

Linda has been impressed and blessed by the Continental employees that have been tirelessly and ceaselessly helping since about noon today to get them all out of Texas and back to the Good Life here in Nebraska!!! A few of our number will be flying first class, which will be a treat.

To pass the time, most of the remaining team members have broken into two teams (an adult is with each team) and are doing a photo scavenger hunt in the Houston airport. They are breaking up the monotony for sure and hopefully having a whole lot of fun!!!

Linda mentioned that Jon Harvie had noticed that quite a few of the flights coming into Houston this evening are delayed. This could open up some more seats for the seven still scheduled to stay in Houston ‘till tomorrow night. Your prayers would be appreciated, as everyone is REALLY ready to be home! (click, click, click!)

Sprint Through the Airport...

Fooey....after their plane from Managua arrived 1/2 hour late and after running like track stars through the Houston airport, the team found that their plane had already departed. I guess this was not completely unexpected, as the time between flights (had the flight even been on time) was tight.

Because of the large number of folks on the team (26), there won't be room on any one flight for them all to come home together. They have now been instructed to check back with the help desk in a half hour for details about how they'll all be trickling home!
Add another adventure onto the itinerary! And stay tuned for more details of the return of the 2010 Nicaragua Pursuit Team!

Homeward Bound (with Thursday and Friday Updates)

Just received two updates from the team this morning. The first one is from Thursday night. The second, from last night!

Here’s the flight schedule for today…
#1775 MANAGUA TO HOUSTON 7:00 AM 11:18 AM
#2924 HOUSTON TO OMAHA 12:15 PM 2:17 PM

Some things to note:
· I checked for airport delays just a bit ago…Yesterday, Houston, TX had BIG thunderstorms and much flooding. At least in the afternoon, the airports there were shut down: no flights in or out. As of now, they are experiencing 15 minute delays with departures….(which could actually be in our team’s favor.)
· Assuming Houston is better today, PLEASE PRAY for their connection to be made there. As you can see from the schedule above, less than an hour is SUCH a short time to get 26 people through customs and onto their next connecting flight.
· Click here for a link to Continental Airlines if you'd like to follow our team's progress!

In just moments, our dear ones will be taking off and winging their way home to us! Hooray!!!!! I’ll see some of you at the airport this afternoon. And I thank all of you for your prayers, your kind thoughts and your generosity, all of which have sent and kept this team throughout their journey. To God be the glory, great things He has done!

In Him wth Joy,


P.S. If you’d continue to pray for them during their ‘re-entry’ back into home life, I know they’d so greatly appreciate it. It is a vulnerable time of fatigue and getting their bearings. Often, the enemy will attack during a team’s adjustment period after their return. Thank you so very much!

Thursday night quick update from Bree:
Hullo! So, I’d like to tell you a story that actually just occurred. On the way back from the hospital in Managua, Victor’s truck was flagged down by two policemen. They recognized Victor’s truck. The policemen needed a ride; they had a man in handcuffs that they needed taken to police station. (All of you at home are thinking, “They didn’t have a car or anything?!?!” No, they didn’t have a car. Reality check, right?) So, the policemen and their handcuffed companion hopped in the bed of Victor’s truck, and a detour to the Masatepe Police Station was made. We have been told in the past of the amiable relationship between Victor and the police, but this was an amazing demonstration of their trust of Victor Benitez. Amazing. Apparently this is not the first time the police have requested help from Victor. God willing, this wonderful friendship will continue!

Friday night update from Linda:
We have had a full day today. The girls went to see the finca (farm) where the guys have been staying. It’s the 4 acres the church owns outside town, and Victor showed us the many trees – mangoes, avocadoes, bananas, coffee. Especially interesting were the giant Guanacaste trees whose branches grow into roots, and form a tree within a tree. We went to the Mombacho volcano & rode a truck up the side of the mountain, looking down on the city of Granada & Lake Nicaragua. After driving down the mountain, ALL 26 OF US went on the zip line!!! That was a victory for members on our team who have fear of heights, to say the least, and was a lot of fun, too. After Mombacho, we had a delicious lunch of Papa John’s Pizza & Fried Chicken, fries, coleslaw & rice. With our tummies full, we went shopping and had a fun time counting out the cordobas (Nicaraguan money) we changed dollars for, and did a quick shopping trip. We surely could tell that Callie & Josee work as cashiers!! It would have been total bedlam without them helping us count back the money. The team (minus Linda) went to the isletas (tiny islands) and rode the boats in the dark, which would have been more lovely had the moon not be hidden behind the clouds. The team came to the church to check on Linda, and the Centro de Fe gave us a despedida de luces – a farewell of lights – with several fireworks. At 5 PM, Linda left the market by taxi to return to Masatepe. Angela had baked & frosted two cakes, and Linda decorated them for the women’s meeting. (Lest you be too impressed, it must be shared that Linda had forgotten all her decorating supplies at home!) The message Linda shared was primarily a testimony & encouragement to the women that God is faithful. He loves us and cares for us. He is worthy of our all. The ladies enjoyed Angela’s cakes & celebrated God’s faithfulness. Nine of our girls, (including Bree, which explains why Linda is doing this update), plus Joe & Jon Harvie packed their suitcases after church, and accompanied Victor to an all-nighter in Managua. They’ll be home about 1 AM, but since all are packed, they’ll have a few hours’ sleep before we leave at 4 AM for the airport. Victor asked them to do the Step Up to Life skit and for Jon to play his guitar for the youth. The rest of us are packing, showering (I can hear the mothers cheering at that news, even from this far away!) and getting a few hours’ sleep before our departure. I make no promises about the aroma of their dirty clothes, Moms, but we have water tonight, and their team shirts have been washed for the trip home, so hopefully that will make them huggable to you. There has been a downpour every day, so we did get into a little mud from time to time. Your kids will be tired (but I’m sure you expected that) but they will be full of stories of what God has done in and through them this week.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Photos I

Bus ride to Masatepe after flying into Managua Friday night.
On the way to Terrabona....a rock the size of someone's head was stuck between two of the bus wheels!

Flooded road to Terrabona after torrential rains, courtesy of tropical storm Alex (later, Category 2 Hurricane Alex!)
Sami A., Bree R., Emma M. Lauren M., & two other gals enjoying the hot springs on the way to Masatepe from Terrabona.

Mitchell May in Terrabona!

The team prayed for seven Terrabona police officers and gave them gifts for their families. (Emily V. & Lauren M. in foreground.)

This is the building in Terrabona where meals were eaten. The boys slept in the adjoining rooms.
Children of Terrabona & some ladies from our team at the open air evening meeting on Saturday, 6.26.2010.

Motel where the girls stayed in Terrabona.

Beautiful Masatepe children...

Happy boys!

EXTREMELY happy boys!

Prepping for art class in Masatepe. (Abbey M., Nate B., and Rachel B.)

Art class: making 'rainsticks'.

Hanging out....Bethany H., Dan R., Mitch M., Sarah Van, Emma M.

Abbey M. and some of Terrabona's young men.

We heard from them very briefly today. Their zip line trip that was scheduled for this morning was postponed until tomorrow. The girls spent this afternoon w/cancer patients & new moms at a hospital in Managua. The guys painted.

One person for sure is still sick, so your prayers are appreciated. They’ll be packing up and saying their good-byes tomorrow night. And they leave VERY early (4 am, I believe) from Masatepe on Saturday to catch their plane home.